The Journal of Nature Studies, the official primary and scientific publication of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature, Inc. (PSSN), is an ONLINE, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal in English that publishes reports of original research in the natural and applied sciences (agriculture, biology and its allied fields including studies on social sciences as related to nature and the environment). It also publishes notes and reviews on relevant and timely subjects on nature. The Journal of Nature Studies aims to cater to global or international readership thus the broad composition of its Board of Editors/Reviewers who are actively publishing. Two issues a year comprise a volume. Supplements may be issued anytime as necessary.
The manuscript submission must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the manuscript title, complete name, email and affiliation of all the authors, and a brief description of the study and its significance. The letter should state a declaration that the work is original and that the manuscript is not considered for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should at least be signed by the corresponding author.
A consensus of at least two reviewers is needed for approval to publish. The decision of the Board of Editors and Reviewers to accept or reject a manuscript is final.
Very minimal manuscript processing fee (around 100 USD) is required of authors to subsidize limited funds of the PSSN. Rates will be indicated and provided to the submitting author once a manuscript is accepted for publication. Since this is an online journal, there will be no printed copies that will be provided to the authors.
The following format is suggested:
Title, Author/s, Position and Institutional Address (including telephone numbers or email), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology or Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations (if necessary), Acknowledgment, Statement of Authorship and References. Manuscript should be written double spaced in Times New Roman, font size 12. The number of pages of the submitted manuscript should be at around 15-30 pages only.
Author/s citation in the text must be by family name and year (e.g. Demayo 2007 or Demayo and Torres (2007) for two authors and when more than two authors, Demayo et al 2007). In the list of references, authors must be arranged alphabetically as follows:
Single-Author format:
Heath, R. (1980). Initial events in injury to plants by air pollutants. Annual Revision Plant Physiology 31:395-431.
Two-Author format:
Jumawan J.H. and Buot I.E. Jr. (2016). Numerical Taxonomic Analysis in Leaf Architectural Traits of some Hoya R. Br. species (Apocynaceae) from the Philippines. Bangladesh Journal Plant Taxonomy 23:199-207.
Multiple-Author format:
Ashden, T.W., Ashmore, M., Bell, J.N.B., Bignal, K., Binnie, J., Cape, J.N., Caporn, S.J.M., Carroll, J., Davison, A., Hadfield, P., Honour, S., Lawton, K., Moore, S., Power, S., and Shields, C. (2003). Impacts of vehicle emissions on vegetation. Transactions on the Built Environment 64: 316-317.
Hong, S.K., Bogaert J., and Min Qingwen (eds.). (2014). Biocultural Landscapes, Dordrecht: Springer. 218 p.
Book Chapter:
Buot, I.E. Jr. (2014). Zonation of Biodiversity in the Forests of Lasang Landscapes in the Philippines. IN: Hong, S.K., Bogaert J., and Min Qingwen (eds.), Biocultural Landscapes, Dordrecht: Springer. pp 25-32.
Tables, illustrations, and figures/photos must be numbered consecutively and inserted in the appropriate pages of the manuscript. The table and figure titles must be self-explanatory, specific, and must be understood independently of the text, clear, and camera-ready to fit in the journal size and format. Formulas should be in JPEG file.
Membership of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature, Inc (PSSN) is open to all students, professionals, and institutions whose interests include the various aspects of nature and the environment. Contact any of the officers or Board of Trustees of PSSN for more information.